Personal and academic blog. Explores the borderlands between rhetoric, politics and intelligence.


Cicero, Marcus Tullius

106 BC (Arpinum) - 43 BC (Philippicae)

A true heavy-weight rhetorician. His life was an embodyment of both shrewd political calculation and well founded rhetorical idealism.

Conley places him in the heritage line of Isocrates - a rhetoric with an emphasis of language as a constitutive element of human social interaction.

Cicero at the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

His book "De Oratore" can be found here - but you better brush up on your latin.

War, intelligence and Rhetoric?
A thought about the fantastic power of a rhetor in a mass-rising.
OTPOR and Cicero

A short paper on Cicero and the War on Terror.
Dr. Ken Zagacki - Cicero and the Rhetoric of War.

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